Karnali Chief Minister Jeevan Bahadur Shahi has clarified that the salary facility has been increased in agreement with the parties represented in the state assembly. At a press meet held at the Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers today, he said that there was an obligation to increase the salary facility of the state officials.
Chief Minister Shahi informed that the government has decided to change the salaries from the Council of Ministers on the basis of all-party consensus after the complaint of non-remuneration of the members of the Provincial Assembly was raised in the Provincial Assembly. The Karnali government was criticized for increasing the salaries of ministers and MPs at the wrong time. Chief Minister Shahi clarified that Karnali has the lowest number of office bearers in all the seven states. A month ago, the state government had increased the remuneration and service facilities of the chief minister, ministers and state assembly officials.
In a press conference, Chief Minister Shahi said that the budget formulation would not be affected as the five-year plan of the state has already been prepared. He also informed that the average expenditure of the state was 21.80 percent of which 27 percent was spent on current expenditure and 17 percent on capital expenditure.
He said that it will increase at the end of the year as many projects are under construction. Revenue of Rs. 364.4 million has been collected during this period. Chief Minister Shahi objected that the state government had not made any preparations to remove the member secretary of the sports council and had spread false information.