In Bharatpur Metropolitan City, 55 thousand 680 votes have been counted. In Bharatpur, one lakh 27 thousand 839 votes were cast.
A total of 46,123 votes have been counted in wards 1 to 10 of the metropolis. Counting is underway in wards 11 and 12 of Bharatpur. So far, 6,582 votes have been counted in Ward No. 11 and 2,975 votes in Ward No. 12.
According to the metropolitan polls, the five-party alliance is leading in the chief and deputy chief. Renu Dahal of the UCPN (Maoist) has taken the lead with 3,267 votes while Chitrasen Adhikari of the Nepali Congress has taken the lead with 9,343 votes. While Dahal got 21,085 votes, Vijay Subedi of CPN (UML) got 17,818 votes and independent candidate Jagannath Poudel got 8,026 votes.
Similarly, Adhikari got 23,487 votes while Himala Gurung of RPP got 14,144 votes. UML candidates are leading in the counting wards. Out of the 10 wards counted earlier, Congress has won in seven, CPN (Unified Socialist) in two and UML in one.