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Dawa Yangjung Sherpa: Nepali woman mountain guide

Dawa Yangjung Sherpa is the first woman in Asia to receive an international Mountain Guide license.

2022 May 20, 17:03, Kathmandu

Climbing a mountain is a very risky deal but many are eager to set records. That is when the role of mountain guides comes to play. It is their job to keep the climbers safe while summiting any mountain. Dawa Yangjung Sherpa, an international mountain guide for more than a decade, has earned a great reputation for her work.

Sherpa is the first woman in Asia to receive an international Mountain Guide license. And with limited numbers of Nepali women involved in this line of work, she is an image of inspiration for many.

Sherpa who has been working as a mountain guide in Nepal, United States, Argentina, Russia as well as other European countries. She is also a renowned climber and has successfully climbed the world's highest peak, Mount Everest three times till now along with seven 8,000’ers since her first acend of Yala Peak in 2009.

Dawa Yangjung has been guiding mountaineers and helping them in various ways. Recently, she was with the National Geographic Weather Station maintenance team during their ascend. However, she could not reach the top as the health of one of the members deteriorated in South Cole. She had to bring him to base camp safely.

Although the mountain guide is not an easy one, she expresses happiness and pride for what she does. She said that the number of Nepali female guides is increasing in small peaks but the number of female guides in large peaks is still low. She said that there are only two Nepali Women mountain guides working in the United States so far.

She is also working to attract Nepali women in adventure through social organizations. So far, she has provided training to 30 different women.


Climbing mountain mountain guides climbers Nepali women Mount Everest Yala Peak South Cole
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