DishHome has launched DH GO App, a mobile television service for its customers. Previously, only 20 channels were in operation but now 70 channels have been added to the app.
Along with this, DishHome GO app has also launched a video on demand service, in which you can watch English, Hindi and Nepali series, films and short films at any time.
The company had launched a mobile app called ‘DishHome GO’ that allows customers to watch television on their mobile phones.
DishHome has made the set-up box’s television channels available on mobile app through OTT technology. According to the company, there is no additional charge for using this app. DishHome users will be able to use this service for free using the customer ID of DTH connection.
DishHome users will be able to use the service by downloading the DishHome Go OTT App from Google Play Store for Android and App Store for Apple.