Coca-Cola pledges to help ‘Stop the Spread’ of COVID-19 in Nepal

May 4, 2021

As efforts accelerate nationwide to provide relief from the devastation of the second wave of the coronavirus, Coca-Cola in Nepal has committed Rs 2.4 crores to help the nation’s effort in combating the crisis and containing the spread of the pandemic.

The Coca-Cola system in Nepal will support communities at large through interventions in vaccination drives, providing safety relief materials (eg, PPEs, masks, gloves sanitisers, etc) and awareness efforts to promote vaccination and sanitation practices, throughout the nation.

To stand in support of the COVID-19 pandemic, The Coca-Cola Company has created a special ‘Stop the Spread’ fund worldwide. This fund will be channelised towards facilitating vaccine distribution, COVID safety kits (PPE, masks, gloves, sanitiser) and creating awareness around vaccination and sanitary practices to contain the spread of pandemic.