Due to low domestic production, 50,000 more red roses will be imported from India for Valentine’s Day this year. Traders have not invested much in the business for the past two years due to COVID, and the lack of sunshine since the beginning of January has led to a decline in red rose production this year, forcing imports to increase.
The market demand for the red rose was 180,000 last year, but this year the market demand has increased by 50,000. Last year, domestic production was 20 per cent of the market demand. At present, only 10 per cent of the demand is met, said Min Bahadur Tamang, president of the Floriculture Association of Nepal.
According to Chairman Tamang, it is estimated that 250,000 roses will be consumed this year. 20 million roses are traded every year. About 40 per cent of the flowers brought are sold in Kathmandu Valley and other major cities of the country. The prices of rose this year, is expected to reach between Rs 80 and Rs 100 per stick for roses.