Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) has launched a mobile app today. The mobile app was launched during a virtual programme by Deputy Governor of the central bank Neelam Dhungana Timsina.
Service seekers can avail regular notices, information, foreign currency exchange rates, research studies, and various data that are available on the central bank’s website on the mobile app. Nepal Rastra Bank has said it believes the mobile app that was launched today will be of great help to both stakeholders and the general public in availing any information or data related with the central bank.
The app at present is available in the ‘Beta’ version. NRB has said the functions of the app will be further enhanced based on the feedback and suggestions provided by users. Currently, the app can be downloaded in mobile phones that run on the Android operating system.
The app will be made available for mobile phones operating on the iOS operating system soon, the bank informed.
The app can be installed through the following link: