Senior Nepali Congress leader Ram Chandra Paudel has visited Manung Kot on Tuesday’s morning. Observing the recently popular hill station nestled in Tanahun’s Byas Municipality-5, senior leader Paudel stressed the necessity of construction of infrastructure.
Mayor of Byas Municipality Baikuntha Neupane and Ward Chairperson Mohan Kumar Shrestha among others were also presented on the occasion. According to the Ward Chairperson Shrestha, people across Nepal visited the Manung Kot in the morning to observe the sunrise and fog.
Manung Kot is also popular for sightseen of mountain ranges including Mt Machhapuchre, Mt Dhaulagiri, Mt Annapurna, and Mt Manaslu.
Moreover, the place also offers a clear view of Damuli Bazar, Madi River, Seti River, and other scenic places during the day-time. Byas Municipality has built the railing for safety concerned at the edge of the viewpoint of Manung Kot.