Saturdays at Sanepa Market

April 25, 2022

The Event House organizes, manages and designs events such as commercial, wedding, and corporate events. Sanepa market comes under one of those events.

Sanepa market was launched last February, 2021, right after the first lockdown. The market was an impulsive idea that bloomed into success. Sanepa market is a hub for small and big businesses to open up their stalls and sell on Saturdays in both Jalpa and Kyampa.

There are two markets: Sanepa market at Jalpa, and Sanepa market at Kyampa.

“When I was small I used to beg my sister to take me to Basantapur’s night market that lasted from 4-8 PM. All the fancy accessories, food stands, and cool hipster people used to grab my attention. We haven’t seen such markets in recent years. We spend our evenings at parties or dinners, and the concept of a recreational space where you can just hang out was missing, that was the inspiration behind Sanepa market.” says Nirvana T, one of the founders of Sanepa market.

The other two founders include Maya G, and Amsu A.