The GrG Bakery: A small haven for your sweet tooth

October 25, 2021

26-year-old Binay Gurung started selling baked goods to his friends from home. Today, he owns a bakery shop which is further extending to a café at Nakhipot, Lalitpur.

Gurung took bakery classes after his high school graduation. During his bachelors, he decided to put his knowledge into action and started selling bakery items to his friends. That slowly escalated to him supplying bakery goods to different pastries. “We stopped this as it created more issues than profit for us”, Gurung says. “Our items were sent back to us lots of times as the cafes couldn’t sell it”, he explains.

He was quite frustrated with how business was turning out when he came across a tiny space to put up a shop. At the age of 21, Gurung established The GrG Bakery. Since his academic background was in Hotel Management, he did not have much idea about how to run a business. His fiancé, Samisha Rana Magar, helped him a lot to set it up.