Numerous celebrities and tech enthusiasts visited Vianet’s stall at CAN Info Tech-2022. The famed actors Nischal Basnet and Swastima Khadka (also the brand ambassadors of Vianet), celebrated woman gamer Indu Malla, Gaming, comedian Sagar Lamsal Bale and rapper RJ, are some who have visited the stall already.
Vianet’s Stall has been interacting with the customers along with photo sessions, and various other activities along with exciting offers from the company. On 22nd of April, Friday Nishchal Basnet and Swastima Khadka interacted with fans and visitors present in the venue. On Saturday, Indu Malla, “Gaming” played a few rounds of PubG with selected visitors.
On Sunday, Sagar Lamsal “Bale”, RJ, and Urgen Dong visited and performed their newly released song K Saaro which was released on YouTube on April 22nd and was sponsored by Vianet. Vianet will also be inviting gaming group DRS on Monday. They will be playing games and sharing their experiences of making a name in the gaming industry.
Vianet has placed a separate gaming zone for visitors to enjoy and know what a gaming experience with Vianet feels like. And for people looking for great deals, Vianet is offering a flat 17% discount on the reliable Ultra-Fi lineup bundled with 3 ViaTV plus a Mi Dual-band router for free for every subscriber.
Furthermore, visitors to the Vianet Stall at CAN infotech, Bhrikutimandap will have the opportunity to pre-order other devices that will be launched on the Nepali market sooner, and one lucky winner will win a 55″ Mi Smart TV.