The price of hallmark gold has reached an all-time high of Rs 123,500 per tola (11.66 grams) in the domestic market today. The price of the yellow metal increased by Rs 500 per tola today. It was traded at Rs 123,000 per tola on Tuesday.
According to the Federation of Nepal Gold and Silver Dealers Association, worked gold is being traded at Rs 122,900 per tola today as against Rs 122,400 on Tuesday.
Similarly, the price of silver has decreased by Rs 5 per tola and reached Rs 1,440 per tola. Earlier on December 28, 2023, the price of yellow metal had set a record reaching Rs 122,000 per tola. The Federation determines the price of gold and silver based on the price in the international market.
Gold is being traded in the international market at 2126 dollars per ounce at present, the Federation said.