The Kathmandu Valley Traffic Police Office, Ramshahpath has launched a campaign to remove or erase obscene, indigestible, abusive, illegal and distorted literary poems, ghazals and various articles written on vehicles. The Kathmandu Valley Traffic Police removed the contents written on different parts of the vehicle after finding that the driver’s attention was diverted. It has been launched as a campaign as it is not allowed to publish or write any poetry or any material insulting and disrespecting women, children and marginalized communities against the law of Nepal. The obscene and ambiguous articles have increased social and mental disturbance, violence and perversion and have also inflamed the street civilization, forcing the traffic police to stop such activities.
Similarly, the traffic police have informed the drivers not to stick stickers or any other promotional material on the windscreen.
The traffic police have also prohibited the driver from placing decorative items and music systems around the cabin.