The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority has filed a case of corruption against nine individuals including the then Mayor Gajendra Maharjan and Deputy Mayor Muna Adhikari of Lalitpur’s Godavari Municipality. In the case registered at the Special Court on Monday, the accused has been charged of indulging in corruption by leaking revenue.
The CIAA investigation has shown that the municipality acted against the law in the fiscal year 2079/80 when inviting tenders and reaching contracts for mining of construction minerals from the local rivers. The CIAA has charged then mayor Maharjan of committing corruption worth Rs 266 million, along with the Deputy Mayor Adhikari.
Also named in the chargesheet include the then chief administrative officer of the municipality Prabin Koirala, head of revenue branch Srikanth Ghimire, Karma Construction and its owner Ravi Maharjan, owner of Nirkar Dhunga Roda Udyog Madhusudan Dotel, owner of Machindranath Multipurpose Kedarnath Timalsena, owner of Easy Roda Udyog Shashiraj Shahi and Birendra Maharjan, said said Assistant Spokesperson of the CIAA, Devi Prasad Thapaliya.