Nepal Police have held five persons in possession of fake currencies of Rs 65,335. A team of Metropolitan Police Circle, Bouddha on Wednesday evening arrested five while printing fake currencies at the room of Samaraj Thapamagar in Budhanilakantha municipality-11, Kapan.
Arrested are identified as Goma Shrestha, 56, and Pushpa Thapamagar, 41, of Indrawati Rural Municipality-8 (Sindhupalchowk), Chiranjibi Joti, 19, and Sujan Joti, 23, of Helambu Rural Municipality-2 (Sindhupalchowk),
Spokesperson of Metropolitan Police Range, Kathmandu, SP Ramesh Kumar Basnet informed that the police squad arrested Shrestha while she was purchasing goods with the fake currency at Gokarneswor Municipality-7, Daksindhoka.
Acting on the information received from Shrestha in course of the investigation, the police team arrested four others for their alleged involvement in fake currency racket, he added. Along with the fake currency, the police confiscated color printer, paper, paper cutter, mobile and other devices used to produce duplicate notes.