Police have arrested five persons on the charge of stealing bags worth Rs 9,576,855 from a business firm in Lalitpur Metropolitan City-28.
The arrestees have been identified as Yama Kumar Shrestha (32) of Tinpatan Rural Municipality-8 Sindhuli District, who had currently been living in Sichahiti, Lalitpur-15; Pradeep Gautam (27) of Doramba RM-6, currently living in Narephant, KMC-32; Mahesh Adhikari (26) of Mata Municipality-6, currently living in Gaushala, KMC-9; and Deepak Khadka (23) of Mahalaxmi Municipality-1 and Nabin Adhikari, both of them who had currently been living in Shantinagar, KMC-31.
A carton box containing 238 sets of suitcase, bag and Laptop bag worth Rs 9,576,855 were stolen from the Urban Oasis Enterprises at Kharibot, Harisiddhi.
A team of security personnel at Satdobato-based Metropolitan Police Circle investigating the theft case raided Gautam’s rented room and recovered 112 bags and suitcases, on Monday. Police on the same day detained Shrestha and Adhikari in connection to the theft and impounded a vehicle (Ba 21 Cha 7344) used in stealing the goods. Further, police seized six carton boxes containing suitcases, 22 more suitcases, 36 bags, a yellow-metal necklace, a pair of earrings, another earring, one laptop and cash Rs 1,05000. Police also detained two others, Khadka and Nabin the following day, informed police.
Meanwhile, the investigation is underway as Lalitpur District Court has extended the custody of the arrestees, Metropolitan Police Range Lalitpur informed.