In Kathmandu, Mahanagar will connect unemployed citizens with employment through a labor bank. The metropolis has issued a notice and requested the unemployed citizens within the city to join the labor bank.
It has been stated that the labor bank is going to be operated to continue the supply of labor force required by the metropolitan city in relation to social development, infrastructure construction, maintenance, heritage protection, environment protection, and maintaining urban order.
The metropolis says that the main objective of the Labor Bank is to create a bridge to provide listed manpower to other government, non-government and private sectors.
In the annual policy and program of the current fiscal year 2080-81, the Metropolitan Corporation has adopted the policy of operating the Labor Bank Scheme under the Mahanagara Golden Scheme.
With the implementation of the plan, the metropolis believes that the unemployed labor force will have access to employment. According to the metropolis, this will help to prevent the migration of young labor force for foreign employment as well as the development of labor culture.
Kathmandu Metropolitan City has requested that those who are willing to work for the current year throughout the metropolitan area should fill in the required details in the prescribed form at the ward office where they live or at the employment service center of the metropolitan city.
In the current financial year, if employed as a daily wage earner, they will be paid based on the approved rate, the metropolis said. Residents of Kathmandu metropolitan area will get special preference during employment.