Rupa Sunar has filed a writ petition at the Supreme Court seeking the dismissal of Minister Krishna Gopal Shrestha from the Council of Ministers. Sunar has filed the writ against Minister Shrestha citing that action should be initiated against him as per rules related to protection of people against racial discrimination.
Sunar, a journalist by profession, had initially filed a case against Saraswati Pradhan, who owns a house in Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, on June 20 for refusing to rent her a room due to her caste. The police had then arrested Pradhan and kept her in custody for three days for further investigation.
Later, police had released Pradhan from custody. Minister Shrestha had apparently dropped Pradhan from the police station to her home in his vehicle.
Sunar has mentioned in her writ that Minister Shrestha had used his position to influence the investigation related to the case.