Satdobato-based SalesBerry fined Rs 50,000 in Lalitpur

October 12, 2021

The District Administration Office (DAO), Lalitpur has stepped up market monitoring as the 10-day festivity-Dashain-has already begun and business persons could sell date-expired products and products making a disproportionate amount of profit.

Towards this, a team of DAO has slapped a fine worth Rs 50,000 to SalesBerry departmental store for selling chocolates and other goods taking undue profit than the Maximum Retail Price (MRP).

The team led by the assistant chief district officer of Lalitpur, Lalit Kumar Basnet, monitored the Satdobato-based store and booked it for selling goods for a price higher than the MRP.

The team has been monitoring markets within the Lalitpur district since September 23. Earlier, the team had found some erring shops from Lagankhel to Pulchowk and had slapped them fine worth Rs 135,000 in total.

The team includes representatives from the Department of Commerce, Supply and Consumer Protection Management, Internal Revenue Office, Lagankhel and Federation of Nepali Journalists Lalitpur chapter and Metropolitan Police Range, Jawalakhel.