Arrangement has been made to pay traffic fines in Kathmandu Valley using QR code. The Metropolitan Traffic Police has developed new software to facilitate the process of paying fines. Now it is possible to pay the fine from the mobile using the code. The branch has announced the launch of the service in the middle of a program today.
With the launch of the service, people no longer have to wait in line at the police station or bank to pay their bills. The driver who violates the traffic rules will be given a QR code by the police. The amount can be paid by scanning from the mobile on the basis of the same cheat, said Janak Bhattarai, Senior Superintendent of Police.
He said that the Metropolitan Traffic Police has been paying special attention to end the process of cutting the receipts by hand and collecting the fines. Within a few days, 30-40 banks can be connected to the software so that the money can be paid. Stating that preparations are being made to switch to digital cheat system in the near future, he said that changing the mindset of the drivers is another challenging thing.
Sanjeev Sharma, Superintendent of Police of the Division, stressed on the need to make the highest use of technology as citizens have become technology friendly. According to statistics, 60 percent of the people have a smartphone and 73 percent have opened a bank account. That is why the department claims that the use of QR code will be effective.
The department has stated that arrangements will be made to go to the place where it is convenient for them to collect their documents after paying the fee.