Former Minister of Defense and Information and Communication Minister Minendra Rizal inaugurated the second Nepal Festival Nagoya, which was organized with the main objective of introducing Nepal in Japan.
The Mayor of Nagoya, Khawamura Takashi was also present at the ceremony. Former minister Minendra Rizal, the chief guest of the program, urged Nepalis to use the knowledge and resources they have learned in Japan for the development of Nepal.
Special guest Nagoya City Mayor Kawamura Takashi said that he is ready to cooperate with Nepal.
The Nepal Festival, which was suspended for 3 years due to the epidemic, was being held in Nagoya, and there was a significant presence of Japanese and Nepali spectators.
In the festival, Nepali art, culture, costumes and tableaus were presented to strengthen the relationship between Nepal and Japan.
There were various cultural performances of Panchebaja, Lakhe Naach, Japanese artists reflecting the originality of Nepal.