Pregnancy is a very special phase in a woman’s life. Celebs like Alia Bhatt and Bipasha Basu are expecting their first child. There was a time when celebs used to hide their baby bumps from the paps, but now maternity looks have grown popular among Bollywood celebrities. Several actors began to experiment with new maternity clothing trends. Take a look at some of the actors who aced their maternity outfits.
Alia Bhatt
Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt announced her pregnancy in June 2022. When it comes to fashion, Alia has always managed to stand apart. Even during her pregnancy, she has turned heads in stylish outfits. She recently went off to Singapore to attend an Award function, where she surprised everyone with her stunning attire. She was dressed in a metallic pleated gown with cape-like sleeves and a plunging neckline. Her pregnancy glow enhanced her entire look.