Another rape complaint has been filed against actor Paul Shah. A rape complaint has been lodged against singer Shah at the Gaidakot Area Police Office of Nawalparasi (East of Bardaghat-Susta) today.
A 17-year-old singer has lodged a complaint alleging that she was raped by artist Paul Shah while shooting a song at Gaindakot Resort at Gaindakot-5 on March 21, 2020, said Deputy Superintendent of Police Dilip Kumar Giri.
Giri said that the victim went with her relatives and lodged a complaint at the Area Police Office today. Giri said that after the victim’s complaint, the police completed the investigation of the incident site and prepared to examine her health today.
“After the complaint of the girl, we are preparing to do her medical work today after completing the work on the spot,” Giri said. “We will take the complainant to Bharatpur for medical treatment. The singer, who had lodged a complaint in Gaidakot today, had also lodged a complaint at the District Police Office, Tanahu on February 23. Shah, who is on the absconding list of the police after the singer’s complaint, has appeared at the District Police Office Tanahu today.