As Bollywood star Anushka Sharma’s debut movie ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ clocked 13 years on Sunday, the actor shared a short video, calling it an “extraordinary love story.”
In the film, Anushka portrayed the role of Taani, wife of Surinder, an average guy (Shah Rukh Khan). It was the story of a married couple as the husband tries to build up chemistry with his wife under the disguise of her dance partner.
The ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ actor took to her Instagram Stories and shared a video, along with which she wrote, “#13YearsOfRabNeBanaDiJodi,” and tagged her first co-star SRK, producers Yash Raj Films and Aditya Chopra.
“There is an extraordinary love story in every ordinary Jodi,” the video’s beginning read. It further included snapshots of Anushka and SRK in their characters.