Bollywood superstar Deepika Padukone made heads turn with her glamorous entry at the red carpet ceremony for the 75th annual Cannes film festival, wearing a saree designed by none other than Sabyasachi.
Deepika interacted with the media and expressed her ‘gratitude’ for this opportunity to represent her country at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. Although she has been a regular at Cannes for the last few years, this year she marks her debut as one of the eight-member jury board at the 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival.
Speaking to Reuters on her red carpet experience at Cannes, she says, “It’s such a huge honour.” “It is not something that our country is sort of seen very often. So I think when we are given the opportunity, I think we take it with a lot of humility and a lot of gratitude,” Deepika adds.