Extended trailer of ‘Wonka’

April 26, 2023

The musical drama ‘Wonka’ featuring actor Timothee Chalamet is getting more exciting with each day passing. In a recent presentation of Warner Bros at CinemaCon an extended trailer of the movie features British actor Hugh Grant as Oompa Loompa.

According to Deadline, a US-based media house, director Paul King’s ‘Wonka’ debut footage was released last year at CinemaCon. Now, in the extended trailer, Warner Bros has doubled the excitement for the musical drama.

The plot of the story is about a candymeister (played by Timothee), who lands in a mid-European city after travelling the world perfecting his craft. “I’m something of a magician, inventor and chocolate maker,” he says in the trailer.

His primary goal is to open a chocolate shop. But Willy Wonka soon learns he must battle some pretty sinister characters. He’s told, “Many people have come here to sell chocolate and been crushed by the chocolate cartel.”

Chalamet told the audience in Los Vegas, “This Wonka is full of joy and optimism”. The trailer shared by the production house also narrates the same idea behind the character. In the video footage, we can see Willy Wonka saying, “Mark my words, this is going to be the greatest chocolate shop the world has ever seen.”