The sex abuse victim has reached Chitwan with another FIR filed against actor Paul Shah for rape. She arrived at the District Police Office, Chitwan with her relatives on Sunday to file another FIR.
According to the police, a complaint has been lodged against him stating incidents that occurred during the shooting at Gaindakot Resort in Chitwan on March 21, 2021. “The work which should have ended in one day was extended to two days by Paul Shah as he had the intention of raping the underage girl,” the complaint said.
According to Chief SP Nawaraj Adhikari of the District Police Office, Chitwan, the FIR will be decided to register or not only after investigating the details mentioned in the complaint. The victim had also lodged an FIR against Shah at District Police Office, Tanahun on February 23. Police immediately started searching for Shah with an arrest warrant from the district court, Tanahu. However, he escaped.
On Sunday, Shah himself appeared at the Tanahu police station. A complaint is being registered in Chitwan after his appearance there.
“We will seek the opinion of the public prosecutor after looking into the details of the complaint,” SP official said.
The District Police Office, Tanahu, however, is preparing to extend the term from the court for an investigation into the rape case against Shah.