For Sameer, ‘Street art emerge directly from people’s everyday life’

April 4, 2023

The 30-year-old Sameer Gurung finds his niche space when he throws himself into art. He said, ‘I see art in everyday life and that’s where street art emerge’. Known as green.brain17 in his social media, his artworks have dabbled into mural arts, tattooing, painting, digital illustration, and photo manipulation, among which, the street arts bring out the best in him.

Ever since he realized he could create art, there has been no looking back after that. His gigantic mural wall art called, ‘Chytiatiyeko yathartha’ translated as torn reality in English located in Bhanimandal, Lalitpur is where he uses torn clippings along with song lyrics on a three-storey building that tells it all. The mural wall art depicts the harsh reality of migrant workers that went into making the grand Fifa World Cup Qatar, 2022, a great success.