Bollywood actor Genelia Deshmukh, on Sunday, shared a heartfelt note to mark her father-in-law Vilasrao Deshmukh’s 10th death anniversary.
Taking to Instagram, the ‘Force’ actor dropped a couple of pictures, which she captioned, “Verified
Dearest Pappa, Riaan and Rahyl asked me today. “Aai, if we ask Ajoba a question, will he answer??” Without a doubt my answer was, “He will answer, if you Hear him”. I have honestly lived all these years speaking to you and getting every answer back, I know you have been w us through our toughest times and laughed with us through our lighter times, I know that you answer every doubt we have and I know even right now, you have read what I am writing to you..And I know it’s your promise to us, that you will always be there, if we just keep our ears open to hearing you, our eyes open to seeing you and our hearts open to experiencing you. We Miss You Pappa P.s – Riaan and Rahyl insist that they are holding you on either side.”