Shekhar Golchha, one of the key figures in the highly reputed Golchha Group of Nepal, has made a bold foray into filmmaking with his maiden production, Paran. The film was announced on Wednesday amidst a program organized under the banner of Bioscope Cinema a production house co-owned by Golchha and the head of Prisma Advertising. Helmed by Deepak Prasad Acharya, popularly known as “Kaku,” the project is set to delve into the realms of family, culture, and identity.
The event also shed light on the portrayal of Paran-the story of bonding between a father and daughter. The makers of the film are roping in an ensemble of stellar casts-Nir Shah, Madan Krishna Shrestha, Keki Adhikari, Praveen Khatiwada, Buddhi Tamang, Mahesh Tripathi, Anjana Baraili, Pooja Chand, Subash Gajurel, and Yaman Shrestha while Arya Deep Acharya marks his debut as a child actor. Filming will start in the first week of Falgun, mid-February, thereby raising expectations among fans and the film fraternity alike.
At the announcement event, producer Shekhar Golchha talked about his motive for entering the film world. “As the president of FNCCI, I participate in different cultural programs organized across Nepal. Many of these programs failed to reflect Nepali entity and authenticity, which always disheartened me. We are trying to uphold the Nepalese culture through Paran and polish our identity,” said Golchha.
Co-producer Ranjit Adhikari shared that Bioscope Cinema Pvt. Ltd. was actually established in 2019 with the bottom-line of producing films, but the COVID-19 pandemic delayed their efforts. Now, the company has consciously come forward to produce quality Nepali films that touch the hearts of audiences. “We are here to stay and create movies that showcase the depth of Nepali stories,” Adhikari said.
The announcement program was star-studded, attended by notable personalities with the likes of Dinesh DC, chairman of the Film Development Board; legendary actor Rajesh Hamal; veteran artist Hari Bansha Acharya; actor Krishna Malla; filmmaker Ashok Sharma; director Deepashree Niraula; and actress Nisha Adhikari. They unanimously underlined the importance of this new venture for the Nepali film industry.
The event also witnessed the revelation of the film’s logo and Bioscope Cinema Pvt. Ltd.’s branding. Sleek and modern, it reflects the ambition of the company to bring innovation and quality into Nepali cinema.
With a strong message, an able cast, and a motivated team behind it, Paran is surely getting shaped as one of the milestones for Nepali cinema. This is not only the entry of Shekhar Golchha into the industry but also reestablishment of the fact that stories told from Nepali culture can strike a chord among viewers. Fans and critics alike are waiting with bated breath for filming to start and, subsequently, for the release of what promises to be a cinematic celebration of Nepali identity.