Singer and actor Harrdy Sandhu, who made a special appearance on the reality show ‘India’s Best Dancer 3’ was left awestruck with the performance of Anjali Mamgai along with her choreographer, Akash Thapa. They performed on the track ‘O Saki Saki’.
After enjoying their performance, he said, “Anjali, your performance was too good. I know that you have been struggling and helping your family since you were 13. You have come a long way and that can be seen through your dance and your smile. Hats off to you. Many people are going through hardships and I would like to tell them that ‘if you can do that, then everyone can do that.”
Not only the celebrity guest but their amazing dance moves also stunned the judges Sonali Bendre, Geeta Kapur, and the guest judges Karisma Kapoor and Marzi Pestonji. Harrdy came to promote his latest track, ‘Psycho’.
Master also praised their performance and said, “I think actions speak louder than words, not just the judges but everyone stood up after your impeccable performance, that means you did something bang on! Choreography-wise, it was awesome. I have worked with Shiamak (Davar), and I know how difficult it is to dance with props. It was fantastic. The timing was very important, which was there in each beat and choreography. Akash’s routine was really great, and Anjali was shining. If Geeta has said that you should maintain this avatar, then that means you have done something right because Geeta rarely gives compliments like this.”
‘India’s Best Dancer Season 3’ airs on Sony Entertainment Television. (ANI)