Bollywood actor and singer Himesh Reshammiya, on Friday, unveiled the first song ‘Butterfly Titliyaan’ from his upcoming action thriller film ‘Badass Ravi Kumar.’
Taking to Instagram, Himesh shared a glimpse of the song which he captioned, “After historic success of badass Ravi kumar teaser Here is a glimpse of the first song from the film titled Butterfly Titliyaan composed and sung by me with lyrics by @soniakapoor06 , , meet ravi kumar in his eccentric zone grooving to butterfly titliyaan , thanks for all the love/title announcement teaser of badass Ravi kumar trending at num 2 on YouTube with 10 million views in a day and 20 million views across all platforms in a day, thanks for all the love.”
Sung by Reshammiya and penned by Sonia Kapoor Reshammiya, the song is an engergetic party number.
Recently, Himesh unveiled the teaser of his next action thriller film ‘Badass Ravikumar’. It is a spin-off film based on his character Ravi Kumar in ‘TheXpose’ franchise, which was released in the year 2014.
Produced by Reshammiya, the film is all set to hit the theatres in 2023.
Meanwhile, Himesh is a famous Bollywood music composer who gave numerous superhit tracks. He made his acting debut alongside actors Hansika Motwani and Malika Sherawat in the film ‘Aap Ka Surroor.’
Post that, he showcased his acting skills in films like ‘Karzzzz’, ‘Khiladi 786’, ‘Teraa Surroor’ and was last seen in a double role in the romantic comedy film ‘Happy Hardy aur Heer’.