Imran Khan calls himself “fool” for focussing only on voices that hurt

August 25, 2023

With each passing day, Imran Khan is surprising his fans by his honest and candid confessions on social media.

The actor recently returned to Instagram and since then he has been actively posting there. On Thursday, he opened up about how he is reshaping his relationship with the films.

He also accepted his mistake of focusing only on the negative reviews he received on social media for his 2010 film Break Ke Baad with Deepika Padukone and how he is trying to change his perspective, especially after seeing all the positive comments he received from his fans regarding his films.

“If you are wondering why I’m looking up the past so much… it’s because I’m reshaping my relationship with my films. To be clear, I’m not blaming anyone for anything; all opinions are valid, and not everyone will like the same things… that’s normal. Unfortunately, at the time, I was only able to look at things from a negative mindset. As such, here is how I remembered Break ke Baad,” he wrote.