In the beloved memory of India’s nightingale Lata Mangeshkar, 18 singers including Sonu Nigam, Arijit Singh, Shankar Mahadevan, Nitin Mukesh, Neeti Mohan, Alka Yagnik, Sadhana Sargam, Pyarelal Ji, Udit Narayan, Shaan, Kumar Sanu, Amit Kumar, Jatin Pandit, Javed Ali, Aishwarya Majumdar, Sneha Pant, Palak Muchhal and Anwesha have collaborated with each other to pay tribute to the legendary singer.
The above-mentioned artists will be seen crooning Lata Mangeshkar’s iconic songs in Star Plus’s new show ‘ ‘Naam Reh Jaayega’, which will be out on May 1. They will also share their memories and anecdotes from their meetings and interactions with the Queen of Melody.
Honored to pay the special tribute to Lata Mangeshkar, Shaan said, “It’s an absolute honor to be part of this grand tribute. Lata Ji is not just someone I respect, admire, and love but also someone to who every Indian is deeply connected. I consider this among the best moments of my life and I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to pay tribute to the country’s greatest singer on a grand platform like this.”
Lata Mangeshkar breathed her last on February 6 following multiple organ failures.