The Sikkim government is currently banning the public screening of the Nepali film Kabaddi 4. Chief Minister Prem Tamang Golay had said that the film was banned to maintain religious and social harmony. The Sikkim Film Promotion Board has stated that the ban on ‘Kabaddi 4’ is only ‘temporary’.
Board Chairperson Pooja Sharma said that they are waiting for a proper response from the producers of Nepal regarding the film.
Local lamas have also accused the film of misrepresenting the lama. The producer of the film Sushma Gurung is also a local of Sikkim and the board is under pressure to listen to the demand.
The film has grossed Rs 192 million across India in just two days. And in Nepal, Kabaddi 4 has earned Rs 227.3 million in 42 days.