On Monday, Kareena took to Instagram and shared a glimpse of her holiday mode. She dropped a video in which she is seen playing badminton with her husband Saif.
“Some Monday sport with the husband… not bad. Amuuu are you ready for the game? @amuaroraofficial. #Reels #ReelsInstagram #MondayMorning #ReelItFeelIt,” she captioned the post.
For the gaming session, Kareena opted for a black tank top with white trousers and Saif donned orange shorts with a blue shirt. A beautiful outside view of the Pataudi Palace was captured in the video.
Kareena and Saif’s badminton video has garnered several likes and comments.
“Hahhahaha you can play with us @kareenakapoorkhan,” Amrita Arora commented.
“Good job,” Saba Pataudi wrote.