Actor Kriti Kharbanda on Saturday completed 12 years in Indian cinema. Recalling how she made her foray as an actor, Kriti took to Instagram and penned a lengthy post. “12 years ago, on the 12th of June, I began a journey. As a teenager, I took my first steps into this industry, that has ultimately shaped me into the person I am today. In my time as an actor, I’ve met so many people who I’m grateful for. I’ve learned lessons, and so much about myself. I found my calling, it became my identity. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the best people in the industry. So, to everybody associated with my career- be it for a minute, a day, or the last 12 years, I have nothing but gratitude for you,” she wrote.
Kriti made her acting debut with the Telugu film ‘Boni’ in 2009, and since then she has never looked back. ‘Raaz: Reboot’ was her first Bollywood break. The film was released in 2016. “From Pragati, to Dr.Swathi, to aarti Shukla to rajkumari Meena, and now Aditi, somewhere along the line I grew up. I went from being an immature teenager who was timid to an adult who is strong and bold. I was kid who loved playing dress up and dancing to the kickass numbers of the 90’s and now I get to do that for a living. I cannot imagine a bigger blessing. Today I watch a full generation and more perform to my numbers, recreating things that I have done, and the feeling is surreal,” she added
Kriti is super nostalgic. She even thanked her family, friends, teachers and fans for always supporting her. “It can be hard to put into words how grateful I feel. I wouldn’t be here without the support of my family, my friends, my teachers who gave me the confidence to believe I was destined for bigger things. A big shout out to my fans and fan clubs. You guys believe in me even when I have doubts, and that becomes the driving force for me to do better and believe in myself some more. You guys make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world,” she said.
“While the world looks exciting and glamorous, which it is 🙂 it’s also tedious and difficult. But then again, what isn’t.. this is my 24/7! I love who I’ve become. The simple middle class girl has become ambitious and self confident! If somebody out there is reading this, unaware of what path to take, I hope my story serves you well and you find the confidence to take that chance, and jump right into doing the things you love,” she added.
Kriti’s boyfriend and actor Pulkit Samrat didn’t miss the opportunity to shower the former with love on her special day. He shared a loved-up post for Kriti on Instagram. “I am grateful for a lot of things in life, and one of them is getting to know @kriti.kharbanda . Her journey as an actor is an inspiration, but even more so, her journey as a person is remarkable. Right from the time I got to know her as a co-star to where we are today, she has been an absolute joy to be with. Her way of looking at life has taught me new perspectives,” he wrote.
Pulkit called Kriti a ‘pragmatic’ child. “Here is so much beneath all that glamour and all the jazz. A compassionate human who finds joy in the littlest of things. A pragmatic head who knows how to adult while still keeping the inner child alive. It has been an absolute privilege getting to know you KK. Congratulations on your 12 years in the industry and here’s to several more of such 12 to come,” he concluded. Speaking of Kriti’s upcoming work projects, she will be seen sharing screen space with Vikrant Massey in ’14 Phere’.