Senior actor Krishna Malla has been re-appointed as the central president of Nepal Film Society. He has been re-appointed as the president by the general meeting of the society.
After being re-appointed as the chairman, Chairman Malla said that he should be determined to develop the artistry of Nepal. Similarly, actors Puran Joshi, Mohankrishna Shrestha and Narayan Pradhan have been elected as vice presidents of the society, Rajendra Kumar Bisural as general secretary, Tanknath Poudel as secretary and Shankarlal Shrestha as treasurer.
Similarly, Chet Bahadur Singh, Sanukumar Tamrakar, Durga Bisural, Sunil Katuwal, YL Lama, Madhukumar Shrestha and Subhash Khadka have been unanimously elected as members of the society. Nepal Film Society also has branches in America and UK.