Malayalam superstar Mammootty‘s mother Fathima Ismail breathed her last on Friday in Kochi. She was 93.
Sharing the news, Congress MP Shashi Tharoor took to Twitter to post, “Spoke to @mammukka this morning to express my sincere condolences on the passing of his mother. As I have grown older I have become much closer to my own mother, & I am aware of the preciousness of this irreplaceable bond. May he find the peace of mind to cope w/his loss.”
Spoke to [?]@mammukka[?] this morning to express my sincere condolences on the passing of his mother. As I have grown older I have become much closer to my own mother, & I am aware of the preciousness of this irreplaceable bond. May he find the peace of mind to cope w/his loss.
— Shashi Tharoor (@ShashiTharoor) April 21, 2023
Tharoor also shared a few pictures of Mammootty with his mother, who reportedly died of age-related ailments.
Following the demise, celebrities from the Malayam industry as well as fans took to their social media to offer their heartfelt condolences.
“Mother Of #Mammootty Aswell Grandma Of #DulquerSalmaan Passed Away. RIP,” a social media user tweeted.
“Condolences to #Mammootty. @mammukka’s mother #FathimaIsmayil (93) passed away at a private hospital in #Kochi. #RIP,” another user wrote.
Mammootty is the eldest son of Fathima. She is survived by sons Mammootty, Ibrahim Kutty and Zakkaria, and daughters Ameena, Sauda and Shafeena