Global star Priyanka Chopra Jonas, on Saturday, shared her condolences for cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who lost her life due to the prop gun firing incident on the set of ‘Rust’, which involved Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin.
During the production on ‘Rust’, Baldwin had fired what was described as a “prop firearm” at the Bonanza Creek Ranch in New Mexico, resulting in the incident, where Hutchins died and the film’s director Joel Souza also got wounded.
Priyanka took to her Twitter handle and shared a photo of the late cinematographer, and along with it shared a heartfelt note. She wrote, “I’m so shook. I cannot imagine what everyone involved in this tragedy is feeling. There are no words. No one should die on a film set. Period. My heart goes out to Halyna Hutchins family and everyone who knew her.”