Actor Priyanka Chopra has reacted to a recent post by her husband Nick Jonas on his Instagram handle. The singer has shared about his film ‘The Good Half’, which is going to premiere at Tribeca Festival. Nick appeared in photos alongside other actors from the upcoming film.
Reacting to her husband’s post, Priyanka wrote while sharing her excitement, “Let’s gooooo.”
Nick captioned the post, ” The World Premiere of my new movie #TheGoodHalf will be at the @tribeca Film Festival starting with three screenings on June 8th. Excited to be alongside this incredible cast! @brittanysnow @alexandrashipppp @davidarquette @mrmattwalsh #ElisabethShue”
After Nick’s post, fans also reacted to the post. One of the fans mentioned, “Nice one, Nick. Can’t wait to see this”
Another fan commented, “Waiting to see this movie with some Mumbai Nights popcorn”
While another wrote, “I can’t wait to see this”
Robert Schwartzman’s ‘The Good Half’ will have its festival premiere on June 8, June 10, and June 12. Apart from Nick, the movie also features Brittany Snow, Alexandra Shipp, David Arquette, Matt Walsh, and Elisabeth Shue.
Nick recently collaborated with popular rapper King for the English version of the song ‘Maan Meri Jaan’ He also made a brief appearance in Priyanka’s movie ‘Love Again’. (ANI)