Bollywood actor Ishita Raaj is all set to portray the lead role in the ‘Dream Girl’ director and producer Raaj Shandilya’s next untitled film.
Taking to Instagram, trade analyst Taran Aadarsh shared the news which he captioned, “RAAJ SHAANDILYAA – SANDEEP SINGH SIGN ISHITA. RAAJ… #PyaarKaPunchnama and #SonuKeTituKiSweety actress #IshitaRaaj will essay the role of a news anchor and narrator, who takes the story forward, in producers #RaajShaandilyaa and #SandeepSingh’s new film, not titled yet. The film – based on a true event – begins shoot in Jan 2023 in #Maharashtra and #Bihar… Story by #SamKhan… Written by #AnilChoudhary, #ChaitanyaTulsyan and #SamKhan… Co-produced by #VimalKLahoti and #ZafarMehdi.”
Produced by Raaj Shadiliyaa and Sandeep Singh, Ishita will be seen portraying the role of a news anchor and narrator and is based on a true story.
Previously, Ishita worked in famous films like ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama’, ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2’, and ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’ alongside actor Kartik Aaryan.
She was last seen in a romantic comedy film ‘Yaaram’ alongside Prateik Babbar and Siddhant Kapoor.
Talking about her new project, the makers will begin shooting the film in January 2023 in Maharashtra and Bihar.
The official release date of the film is still awaited.