Actor and filmmaker R Madhavan, who is in the US to promote his upcoming film, ‘Rocketry: The Nambi Effect’, on Friday, remembered the late singer-composer KK and said, “he will always be remembered as being one of the nicest singers.”
Madhavan shared that even though both the actor and singer were part of the same industry they did not meet each other often but still whenever they did, it was like meeting old friends.
Remembering their time together Madhavan said, “He would be silly enough to tell me that ‘hey remember I sang your song ‘Sach Keh Raha Hai Deewana’ and I used to tell him ‘I know my friend.'”
The ‘3 Idiots’ actor praised KK and continued, “He was humble, he was sweet, he wasn’t presumptuous, that is all I can remember about our very brief meetings but it was always a great comradery between us. It was a shock for us to know that he died doing what he loved doing the most.”
“He is in the heavens right now and I would like to share my condolences with the family. He will always be remembered as being one of the nicest singers apart from being a brilliant one and we are all gonna miss him,” he added.
The death of famed singer Krishnakumar Kunnath, aka KK, on Tuesday night, came as a shock to the nation. He was in Kolkata for a concert and just shortly after performing he collapsed and was rushed to a hospital where he was declared dead at the age of 53.
Over the years, the beloved playback singer had amassed a large fan base, with his songs being performed at numerous school and college occasions around the country.
Meanwhile, Madhavan’s ‘Rocketry: The Nambi Effect’ is set to hit the theatres on July 1, 2022. It has been shot simultaneously in multiple languages including Hindi, Tamil and English, and will be released in Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada as well.