Nepali film ‘Paaso’ starring Rista Basnet will release on 1 April 2022. The production unit unveiled the film’s poster and commenced the release date on Thursday.
The film will release across the nation at once, said Distributor Karan Shrestha. The film is directed by RB Pun and has Pun’s story, script, and dialogue. Produced by Bhagwan Bhujel, the movie is based on the crime and survival genre, according to the production unit. The film stars Sunisha Bajgain, Ram Kumar Bastakoti, Pratik Dulal, and Pranab Aakash in the main role.
The film has been made on Surya Dahal’s music, Uttam Humagain’s Cinematography, and Bhupendra Adhikari’s editing. The film will be distributed by Film GGA group and FD company.