Bollywood actor Shraddha Kapoor, on Saturday, shared a couple of pictures from her father and veteran actor Shakti Kapoor’s 70th birthday celebrations.
Taking to Instagram, the ‘Street Dancer 3D’ actor shared a post which she captioned, “My Birthday Baapu!!! @shaktikapoor I love you Hope I can make you half as proud as you make me.”
In the first picture, Shraddha could be seen posing with her father and her brother Siddhanth Kapoor, with a huge birthday cake in the front.
In the second picture, Shakti could be seen behind his birthday cake with mini sculptures of his famous character Crime Master Gogo from the cult comedy ‘Andaz Apna Apna’ placed on top of it.
Soon after the ‘Ek Villain’ actor shared the post, fans flooded the comment section with heart emoticons and birthday wishes messages for Shakti.
“Cutest queen in the world,” a fan commented.
Another fan wrote, “I’ve heard about seven wonders of the world and the 8th just showed up!!”
A fan wrote, “Happy Birthday Mr Gogo.”