Actor Shilpa Shetty turned a year older on Wednesday. While fans have showered immense love and best wishes for the actor as she turns 47, one special wish came from Shilpa’s sister, Shamita Shetty.
Sharing an adorable video on Instagram, Shamita attached a special message with it. She wrote, “Happy birthday my Munki. In childhood, we did not understand the gift wrapped up in a greater plan. Time has taught us about the bond of love and through that love we have chosen friendship.
We have learned together sharing the good times and the bad. And no matter what there has always been love. Thank you for being my mentor, my sister, my friend… I wish u everything that you have prayed for Munki and I love u soooooo much …big tight huggie (emoji)”.
Shilpa quickly posted a comment and wrote a heart-warming response to her sister’s post. Shilpa wrote, “Awwwww love u my Tunki more than I express and you would ever know”.
Both sisters lovingly call each other ‘Munki’ and ‘Tunki’. The sibling duo never shies away from expressing their love for each other in public and is loved by fans for their special bond.
On the work front, Shilpa just wrapped the shooting of her upcoming film ‘Sukhee’.
Sharing the news on Instagram, Shilpa posted a video from the sets of the film and wrote, “Ab main sukh se keh sakti hu, it’s a WRAP”.
Shilpa is also awaiting the release of ‘Nikamma’ also starring Abhimanyu Dassani and Shirley Setia. The movie is all set to hit the theatres on June 17 and will be clashing with Ayushmann Khurrana’s Doctor G.