Television-turned-film actor Shantanu Maheshwari and ‘A Suitable Boy’ fame Tanya Maniktala will headline a new series titled ‘Tooth Pari’, which will exclusively premiere on the OTT giant Netflix. The first poster of the series is out on Monday.
In the poster, Shantanu is seen in the role of a dentist, holding forceps and Tanya portrays the role of a patient, holding a tooth in her hand. In the title, the letter ‘R’ of the word ‘Pari’ is written backwards tickling the curiosity of the fans. The catchline of the series is ‘when love bites’.
Taking to Instagram, Shantanu shared the poster of the series with the caption, “This World Oral Hygiene Day I have a not-so-normal patient coming for check-in on her lost tooth. I am rooting for this love story to happen and so should you! Tooth Pari: When Love Bites comes to @netflix_in on the 20th of April!”.