Steps needed to revive the Nepali film industry

June 8, 2021

It has been emphasized that necessary steps should be taken to revive the Nepali film industry affected by COVID-19 pandemic since over a year.

 Taking part in a virtual (Zoom) discussion on ‘Corona Pandemic: Nepali Film Industry’ organised by the Sushil Koirala Memorial Foundation, Film Producers Association’s President Aakash Adhikari said the film industry was running well with the adoption of digital technology in 2008. “But 2015 April earthquake and economic blockade and the corona pandemic since a year adversely affected it and progorammes are promptly needed to revive the sector.’’

 As he said, the industry incurred a loss over Rs one billion in a year due to COVID-19 pandemic.

A large number of people associated with this sector are currently unemployed and struggling to manage a square of meal, according to Adhikari. Films which were readied before COVID-19 lockdown are yet to be released.

He further complained that budget for the upcoming fiscal year failed to bring clear policy regarding the film industry. Film producers said the budget was expected to announce the programmes aimed at reviving the industry, but it could not be happened.

Madhusudan Pradhan, President of the Motion Picture Association, said there was a need for more research to make films about historical people and culture. He said that the production of a film about political legend BP Koirala had not been completed and the film on Ganeshman Singh failed to do justice to its character who is known as ‘the iron man of Nepali politics’.

 Director and writer Anish Koirala, who is currently living in the United States, was of the view doing rigorous research and reading much reference materials and related documents to do justice to any film especially to those featuring historical characters and events.

Speaking on the occasion, President of the c, Raksha Singh Rana, critic Samipya Timalsina and others said that it was difficult for women to pursue a career in the film industry.

 Atul Koirala, member secretary of the foundation, stressed on the need of making films featuring historical characters like BP, Pushpalal, Satya Mohan Joshi and Madhav Prasad Ghimire. Around 300 cinema halls were in operational across the country before the coronavirus crisis and just 80 were reopened after the lifting of lockdown, he added