Late actor Sushant Singh Rajput‘s last big-screen film ‘Chhichhore‘ bagged the award for the Best Hindi Feature Film at the 67th National Film Awards, and his sister Shweta Singh Kirti could not be happier.
Taking to Twitter, Shweta thank the film’s team to dedicate the win to her late brother.
“Bhai is sharing this moment of pride with all of us, he is present with us in spirit #NationalFilmAwards Thank You! It makes my chest swell with pride to see the award being dedicated to Bhai. Thanks and congratulations to the whole team of #Chhichhore,” she tweeted.
Alongside the emotional note, Shweta posted a throwback picture of Sushant sharing smiles with the cast and crew of ‘Chhichhore’.
Producer Sajid Nadiadwala and director Nitesh Tiwari attended the 67th National Film Awards ceremony on Monday in the capital. The two remembered Sushant during the ceremony.
“Sushant is an integral part of our film. He made us proud. We are dedicating this award to him,” Tiwari and Nadiadwala said.
Sushant breathed his last on June 14, 2020. He was found dead in his Bandra apartment, Mumbai.