What to avoid for oily skin?

February 5, 2022

Our skin has glands located under its surface called the sebaceous glands. These glands are responsible for producing sebum, an oily substance made up of fats. Though sebum is healthy as it helps in keeping skin naturally moisturized, too much production of it makes our skin oily. This causes many issues such as clogged pores, acne breakouts, etc.

According to The Beauty Bar (Salon), taking proper care of oily skin is very tricky. It is important to be cautious about the products we use as they might be causing the skin to be oilier. We must also be aware of our daily habits and its effects on our skin. Listed below are some mistakes to avoid in order to take proper care of oily skin.

1. People with oily skin usually wash their face a lot in an attempt to make it dry or less shiny. However, this is the biggest mistake people with oily skin make. Washing your face 2-3 times a day dries out your skin. Using too much cleanser also rips out the natural moisture from the skin. This causes the skin to produce more oils, making the skin more oily than before. Instead of washing your face with face wash or using cleansers multiple times a day, using blotting paper to remove excess oil or face mist is a healthier option to avoid oily skin.

2. Another mistake people with oily skin make is exfoliating and scrubbing aggressively. Though it may look like deep cleaning the clogged pores, it causes the skin to produce more oils. On top of that, excessive exfoliation and aggressive scrubbing can damage your skin and cause further issues too.

3. Using warm water to wash your face causes more oil production. This is because warm water strips off our skin’s natural oil too. To compensate for the damage, our skin produces extra oil Sometimes we use warm or lukewarm water to wash our face but that is not good for our skin which makes our skin oilier and shinier.

4. It is important to not change skincare or beauty products too often. Similarly, constantly trying new products can damage your skin. It also may lead to causing more oil than reducing it.

5. In order to get rid of the oil, many people use harsh products, especially toner. Using harsh, alcohol-based toner on the skin is never good and it will adversely affect the skin.

6. People with oily skin often avoid using moisturizer to avoid looking more oily. Despite the skin type, it is very important to keep skin moisturized.